UC Santa Cruz Slug Fest Entry Form:
Sign up online and pay at check-in the day of the tourney.
The UCSC Women's Volleyball team will be holding the
First Annual SLUGFEST Grass Volleybal Tournament
May 21-22, 2016 - Check-in time: 8:15 to 8:45 am.
Saturday: Men's and Women's Grass Doubles - Sunday: Reverse Coed Grass Doubles.
Cash prizes for AA-A-B divisions, Medals for junior divisions.
Format: Pool play starting at 9:00 followed by single elimination play-offs.
Side-Out Rules, pool play will consist of a minimum of 4 games to 15 in a 5 team pool or 6 games to 11 in
4 team pools. All teams will go to play-offs. Play-offs are single elimination 1 game to 15, win by 2.
Entry fee will be $25 per player w/o VolleyNation membership.
All players are required to have a VolleyNation Membership or a weekend pass.
2016 Season membership $20, weekend pass $10
This will be a fundraiser for the Women's Volleyball program. Please print and fill out a liability form if you plan to play. UCSC Liability Waiver: