Volleyball Camps in Indonesia
Dig Santa Cruz started volleyball camps for unschooled kids in Indonesia. The second 2-month camp started up last week. Ages range from 5 years old to 13.
Mostly they learn basic fundamentals of passing, shuffling, serving and game rules. We work in partnership with other volunteers that teach Math, English, and Science in their neighborhoods.
This camp teaches so much more than volleyball (what could be more important than volleyball, right?). We spend lots of time teaching them how to get along and build up their self-esteem. Two of the girls, age 13, live completely alone in a small concrete room. To them, we may be their only parental figures and role models. This is a similar case for some others.
We're so excited to have this opportunity to see these kids thrive! Thank you for being a part of this adventure!
*If you'd like to donate to this program, your funds will help purchase supplies, the fruit we buy for every class, and transportation.