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Santa Cruz Beach Volleyball

Almost one year in... and why we are here.

Dear Volleyball Community,

We are coming up on almost 1 year since starting and we want to let you know why we are here. We are passionate about beach volleyball and wanted to start a community that is not just for pro athletes, but for everyone... at every age... and every skill level. Whether you are 'A' rated or just a beginner, our goal is to be inclusive for every player. Beach volleyball is such a beautiful sport, and we hope for people to find inspiration in our community and resources.

We are so excited about the response we have received from you so far. You have been vocal with how much you love the live webcams, tournament photos, calendar of events, news articles, and more. We want to say thank you and let you know that we are committed to bring you even more over the next year, continuing to grow the community.

Make sure to look your best out there as we are snapping photos at the tournaments this year. We are looking forward to an amazing 2016 tournament season. 

DigSantaCruz Team
